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The Ultimate Guide To Converting Your Audience Into Leads & Sales

The Ultimate Guide To Converting Your Audience Into Leads & Sales is a step-by-step guide to help you find the best digital marketing strategy for your business.

This article will explore how to create a content plan that will convert your audience into leads and sales.

The first step is to think about the type of content you want to produce.

Top tip: If you are not using video content in your marketing strategy, then you are missing out on a big opportunity to grow your business and increase your revenue – let’s chat today about how we can create video content that will convert prospective customers into brand loyalists.

The next step is to write down your goals for each piece of content.

You should have one goal per piece of content. For example, if you want people to sign up for your newsletter, then your goal for a blog post might be “to get people interested in signing up for my newsletter.”

If you’re trying to sell something on your website, then the goal for an email might be “to get at least 10% of recipients interested in buying.” Make sure that you track these goals so that you know if those pieces of content are successful or not. You need to be able to use data analysis for marketing to understand what is working and what isn’t.

Video content is currently the most powerful conversion tool that you can use to convert your audience into leads and sales. It has been proven that video content converts better than any other form of content marketing – check out this article about video conversion statistics for 2022.

Once you know the goal and how to track it you need to ascertain the available budget – check out our previous article How much money should B2B company spend on Content Marketing for more information.

Following trends and creating content based on popular audio and trends is one way to reach a large audience, but it often does not necessarily convert prospects into actual paying clients. Providing value and education for your customer about your product/service and the benefit involved in using your business is what makes the difference. Define your value proposition and make sure it translates throughout your content.

Remember to be consistent – a once-off video won’t do the trick, the message needs to be reiterated throughout all forms of content and that is why we often encourage our clients to repurpose their content for various formats (etc. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Website).

Repurposed content can also be a great way to lead people from your social media channels to your website. For example use Instagram Reels or Youtube Shorts to draw in a customer with a short clip, while the full video will be uploaded to your website or Youtube channel only. This way you will know that the user on your website is further down the sales funnel and closer to converting into a sale. This technique is called Breadcrumbing, where prospective clients are led from other platforms to your website because they are interested in researching/learning more about the product/service from the short content piece on your socials. Top tip: This is also a great opportunity to grab their email/contact details to use for remarketing purposes.

The big trick is to not try and do everything yourself – creating content that converts needs to be a constant marketing focus and using agencies (like ours) to help keep the content coming in is a great way to stay off it! Call us today to help create your 2023 Video Content plan.